Seemingly Serious

Well, let’s us for a moment compare 12th Standard boards with Pizzas, an issue with a lot of zilch hype and taken up by masses with fair concern. Now the garlic bread which I just talked about shall be compared to board supplements like AIEEE andIIT-JEE. But, the credit goes to these garlic breads that over the decades they have overtaken the popularity of pizzas. Most of the parents get their kids enrolled in sophisticated remand homes – called COACHING CLASSES. This blog of mine is to share my time @ my AIEEE JEE Coaching classes.

Calculating Life: An eulogy to Maths

This post “Calculating Life: An eulogy to Maths” is about my perception and times with one of the most elementary and inseparable subject of any academic genre – Mathematics. I am currently in my fourth semester of Engineering, which is also the last semester in which I will study Maths. I won’t be studying Maths any further in life and it is this woe of detachment with it which made me write this blog post. I’ll share my perspective as to how it has taught me life

It’s THEM I’m Jealous of…

Winter is normally the season linked to romanticism.The chilly bone-biting night outside, while you are snuggled up inside in your blanket with a hot cup of tea/coffee (as you prefer) and a romantic novel in hand.What could be better? In this poem, the love struck protagonist is away from her beloved. She imagines him doing all his daily chores and when she imagines all the things that must be coming in contact with him, she craves even more to break the barriers and to be with him.